Mediation of Contested Wills – Probate


75 percent

Average settlement rate


Save Money

Average $ saved

9 Months

3 weeks

Average time saved

Is Mediation Right For You? Let’s Talk!

When a family member passes away conflicts and disagreements are bound to occur, even in the most harmonious of families. Disputes over a will, estate administration, and distribution of assets can be emotional for those involved and even create long-term family disfunction. It’s important to resolve probate and estate conflicts as early as possible in the process to preserve relationships and keep your family focused on seeing to your loved one’s last wishes. The most efficient and cost effective way to resolve these conflicts is through an experienced estate and probate mediator.

Barber ADR can work efficiently with family members, personal representatives, trustees, or legal counsel to help resolve probate and estate conflicts. Barber ADR is a nationwide dispute resolution provider offering mediation, conflict resolution and dispute consulting services. Common use cases include testacy disputes, assignment of personal representative, estate administration, asset distribution, and debt settlement. Jason Barber is a public arbitrator with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), and is qualified to practice in all 50 states.

Do you have a challenging probate or estate issue? I can help with a complimentary consultation. Here are 2 ways you can connect with me quickly:

Average time saved  Click here to schedule an online Mediation Consultation.
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