About Barber Alternative Dispute Resolution

free mediation consultation

Jason Barber is a negotiator, mediator and arbitrator with focus in the areas of private business, civil law, divorce and custody, entertainment, probate, real estate, and workplace conflict resolution. He is a public arbitrator for the Financial Industry Regulatory Agency (FINRA), and is a committee member with the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), Mediators Beyond Borders International, Utah Council of Conflict Resolution, and the American Bar Association Committee on Dispute Resolution. Jason earned his Masters Degree in Legal Studies from the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, and is a court qualified alternative dispute resolution provider with the Utah District Courts, the Georgia Superior Courts, and the New Jersey Superior Courts. Jason is qualified to practice alternative dispute resolution in all 50 States.

My Philosophy

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) describes various techniques to help conflicting parties resolve disputes without the “win-lose” constraints of litigation (court or jury trial). Mediation, Structured Negotiation and Collaborative Law are three types of Alternative Dispute Resolution. As a mediator, I work closely with the conflicting parties, listen to all sides of the dispute, help identify areas of concern, and work with them to explore underlying interests and possible solutions. Unlike an attorney, I do not take sides, nor do I have a professional or financial stake in the outcome. I do not decide an outcome or impose judgments. My sole objective is to support the parties, and advocate for a strong, fair and meaningful agreement. I look forward to talking with you to determine if mediation is right for your situation. Let’s talk.